That's the kitchen. But it rarely looks like that... and not that often like the next one (remember the mars bar cheesecake)! Maybe more often, Tim and I cooking together, but then who takes the photos?
This is our cute little unuseful fire place, complete with many wedding cards, and a picture of the garden at my old house by my talented grandmother.
I quite like the outside of the house, maybe except for the crack in the wall! Its got roses and hedges which I'd probably never plant, but are quite attractive. They've even survived all by themselves with only a bit of maintenance here and there so far.
Some other pics of people actually in the house seem to be from Christmas!! We had a Scholes/Smith/Bendall etc afternoon tea here before the big dinner at my grandparents. Pictures here are the Bendall boys beating the Scholes sons (experience comes with age I think!)
Marcus, Tim, Hilary, Martin, Nanna and part of Linden.
Nanna, Mum, Katherine, Papa and Jon's leg.
Our little Christmas tree, by this time minus presents. With Tim's X arcade next to it.. all the better for computer games in retro glory, just like the arcades of the 80s. Works well for 2 player lego batman :) To the left is the TV, to the right is the couch from Kate AD (Dad's wife) and behind are the two armchairs to match.. very comfy.
Come visit us some time (if we actually know you and like you :p ) there's a spare bed :)